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- Step 1 of 16
• Data is basically the collection of raw or recorded facts,figures, or numbers.
• It is unorganized and has no meaning.
• Data by itself is useless and cannot be put to use in itsnative form.
• Data exists in a variety of form such as number, value,variable, and so on.
• For example: Employee number, employee name, job, salary.
- Step 2 of 16
• Information is data which is organized and has meaning.
• It is the collection of processed data and figures.
• It can be used to derive relevance from the existing data andcan be put to use.
- Step 3 of 16
• Description about data or data about data is calledmetadata.
• It provides the description about the characteristics orproperties of end user data and environment of the data.
• The main use of metadata is to help discover the informationwhich is required quickly and effortlessly.
- Step 4 of 16
Database application
• A database application serves as a medium between the user andthe DBMS.
• It is a set of related programs that provide information tothe user.
• It is an application program which performs updating,entering, and retrieving information from the database on behalf ofthe database users.
• The application program is used to interact with the user. Theuser enters the information in the form and the information isprocessed by the application program.
- Step 5 of 16
Data warehouse
• Data warehouse refers to a database which is used forreporting and data analysis.
• Data warehouse is defined as central repository of the datathat is created with the help of integrating the data from manysources.
• A combination of two or more databases from an enterprisedatabase system is called a Data warehouse.
• Current as well as historical data can be stored into a datawarehouse and this data can be used for creating reports.
- Step 6 of 16
• Constraint is the condition which has to be followed andcannot be violated by the users.
• Database management system insists the database designer toimplement the integrity constraint.
• An entity integrity constraint specifies that every table musthave a primary key and the primary key should contain unique valuesand cannot contain null values.
- Step 7 of 16
• Database is collection of related data, stored in an organizedmanner in the tables according to the user specified forms.
• It is a collection of needed information, data, and facts,figures and is managed by a special type of software known as theDBMS.
• In database, one can perform the operation such as storing,manipulating, and retrieving the data.
- Step 8 of 16
• An entity is a person, place, event, idea or any real objectfor which user wants to store in the database.
• Entity is the basic block for building the data collectedabout person, place, event, or thing.
• Entities has attributes that describe the entity.
• Employee, orders, sales, students, and products are theexamples of entities.
- Step 9 of 16
Database management system
• DBMS is a collection of programs that enables users tocreate, maintain, and manipulate a database.
• The DBMS is a general purpose software system thatfacilitates the process of defining, constructing, and manipulatingdatabase.
- Step 10 of 16j.
Client/server architecture:
• Client/server architecture is a distributed application thatseparates the workload between the client and server.
• Database in the server performs the operation needed by theclient and sends it to the client.
• User interface function of the client is managed by theapplication program.
• Server shares the resources with the client.
• Client doesn’t share the resources but requests the resourcesfrom the server.
- Step 11 of 16
Systems development life cycle (SDLC):
• SDLC provides the groundwork to develop an information systemproject.
• It refers to the end-to-end process of designing, building,and delivering an Information System (IS) that will meet therequirements of the business processes.
- Step 12 of 16
Agile software development:
• This process involves the simple and iterative applicationdevelopment in which every iteration includes the planning,requirement analysis, testing, coding, design, anddocumentation.
• It is an approach for the development of database andsoftware.
• It focuses on the individuals and interaction, working of thesoftware, customer relationship, and response to the feedback.
- Step 13 of 16
Enterprise data model
• It is the initial stage in the software development andspecifies the scope and general content of the organizationaldatabase.
• It creates the graphical model of the database used by theorganization.
- Step 14 of 16
Conceptual data model (or schema)
• It is a specification which is detailed and does not depend ontechnology to give the general structure of database.
• Conceptual schema is the output of the conceptual modelingphase.
• The conceptual schema hides the details of physical storagestructures and concentrates on describing entities, data types,relationships, user operations and constraints.
- Step 15 of 16
Logical data model (or schema)
• Logical data model represents the domain information in aconceptual form.
• It represents the data for a data management technology suchas relational model.
• Elements of the relational model are tables, rows, columns,primary key, foreign key, and constraints.
- Step 16 of 16
Physical data model (or schema)
• Physical data models are used to described data at the lowestlevel.
• It provides the information that how the particular managementsystem stores the data from the logical schema into computer’ssecondary memory.
• Each logical schema contains one physical schema.
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Modern Database Management 13th Edition
Planning – the first stage of modern database management 12th edition pdf download. In order to achieve something, first of all, it is necessary to formulate a goal and, secondly, to determine a plan for achieving this goal. Organization – the second stage of modern database management 12th edition pdf download. Test Bank (Download only) for Modern Database Management, 12th Edition. Hoffer, University of Dayton. Ramesh Venkataraman, Indiana University.
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